Thursday, October 2, 2014

In sync with Jesus

Sync /siNGk/  short for synchronize, is defined as to match up, or when people or things move together.

Last week I finally resolved to fix my calendar problem after missing an important date.  My calendar was in the "failure to sync" mode across all my devices.  Back in the old days I kept everything in one place, a "Day-timer."  Now because it's soooo much easier, I can enter a new event on my computer and it shows up on my iPad and my phone and I never forget.  Unless there is a failure to sync... 

To "live well" before God is to live in a synchronized relationship with Jesus, as Eugene Peterson says to live "in equilibrium." 

Here's what it looks like for me to get in sync with Jesus.

getting quiet, reading, listening, engaging

What about you?  How do you get in sync with Jesus?


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