Thursday, October 9, 2014

Everyday Reminders

What if Jesus pointed to something you saw everyday and connected it with following Him? That's how he taught. Whenever you saw it in the future all the emotion would come rushing back, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the meaning, the message. You'd remember the inflection of His voice, the piercing and pleading of His eyes, the intensity and lightness of His manner.

Imagine today, Jesus might say "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Get in sync with me and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. You were made for my operating system, it has no flaws and it’s made perfectly for you, it’s not taxing but life-giving.”

Whenever you see a computer or sync devices you'd remember, that's like my connection with Jesus. We all are invited to get in sync with Jesus. What does it look like for you? That place where you connect with Him and experience His life? The place you get in touch with the sights, sounds, and meaning of His living Word.

Here are a few examples (check out more on SHV's Facebook page):

Chrissy Utesch: One of the ways I sync with Jesus is by getting out and enjoying His creation. He speaks and I am eager to listen.

Middleton Family: Family Bible reading and listening - the kids draw their responses to what Jesus is stirring in them.


  1. Your analogy of syncing with God's operation system resonates with many young people. I asked several young people in the cafe after first service if they were in sync with your message. The answers were a resounding YES!

    Your message has given me another way to share a common interest with young and old. I coach my clients on relationship marketing. They learn that every new contact could require a few minutes to several months before they are both comfortable sharing personal interest.

    When sharing Jesus, I may ask several questions and share my interest to learn if we have anything common (guess I'm a fisher of men). Commonality can give us small bridges to build relationships on trust. To start, it's much easier to share something about yourself and how your relationship with Jesus helped you achieve or overcome an event in your life.

    Getting in sync with others is the first step in learning if they have a relationship with Jesus or how to help them get to know Jesus. Sometimes helping others helps us. Helping others can help us get more in sync! God works in unusual ways and we may find ourselves looking for more ways to build a relationship of trust by syncing in His word, praying, and listening.
