Thursday, October 30, 2014

Get Quiet and Connect

This is what Stacy shared in her response to “How do I Get in Sync with Jesus?” Simple and profound.

How can you get quiet and connect when the days roll by, when activity fills every space?

To be in sync with Jesus doesn’t mean eliminating activity, it means walking with Him in the middle of it. Can I get quiet and connect while working? While driving? While hanging out with friends? While on my phone? While golfing?

It seems Jesus needed to get away regularly to do this, and as a result He was able to live in connection with His Father (God) when with people!

What happens when I let days turn into weeks without unplugging from activity? I lose my reference point for connection, and for the trust that results. “Be still and know that I am God” is a distant guilt-producing reminder- or an invitation to drink from the relationship where I find real life.

Take a moment to get quiet and connect, right now. Pause. Hear the invitation from Jesus. Whew.


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