Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New Year!

Time Magazine reported "When it comes to New Year's resolutions, our self-improvement efforts often focus on getting a better body. And we ignore that other, equally important part of our wellbeing: our mental health."

As most are discovering the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical are all connected in our lives.  

One person commented "One of my 2015 resolutions is to get back into church..."

I just had to ask what that means?

"Well, get back into church means basically 3 things to me; 1) getting more positive influence in my life, 2) getting free from unhealthy stuff, and 3) rebuilding my relationship with Jesus.  God knows I need all of those...!"

Hmmmm. What an honest answer will do to kickstart things in the right direction!

Get a fresh start! Join us January 2015 at SHV for the "REBUILD: Time for Action" series! Sundays 9:00 & 10:45 am.

Real Life | Community | Mission


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