Friday, September 23, 2011

Baptism Celebration!

54 people were baptized this past Sunday in an all-out celebration!

One guy staggered and almost fell over as he came up out of the water. I asked him later what happened and he said "I'm not sure. I was so overwhelmed with God's presence, my family and friends there, something amazing happened... I wish I could do it again this week!"

Another guy relayed his struggle with addictions and believing this was the next step in dying to his past and going forward with Jesus and the support of community.

Here is a sampling of the personal responses to "Why are you getting baptized?"

"I gave my life to Christ a few years ago and want to seal my promise I gave to him."

"I want to get baptized because I don't remember when I was baptized as a baby and I want a closer relationship with God."

"I am re-dedicating my life to God. Without him I am nothing and can do nothing."

"I have been serving Jesus for a couple years, and was baptized when I was younger, but it was my parents choice. I feel this will be a great opportunity for me."

"I am being baptized today to show my friends and family that Jesus is in my life and always has been."

"I was baptized as a baby. I want to be baptized as an adult by my own choice to show my dedication to Jesus."

"I am getting baptized because I want to let go of the past, feel closer to God and lead a faithful life as a follower of Jesus."

"I want to live my life in a way that is closer to God."

"I am getting baptized because I am obeying God's direction this time to demonstrate my love for him and to put to rest the "old man" and raise up the new."

"Because the first step for me is acknowledging Jesus is the TRUTH and without him you have nothing."

"To be cleansed of past sins and to freely move forward with all that God has planned for me in the service of others."

"I just want to give my life to Jesus!"

"I want to be cleansed from my sins and be closer to God."

"I want to live a life for God and nothing else so it is the first thing people notice about me."

"I have finally learned who I am because Jesus has loved me and I feel His presence. I want to acknowledge my commitment to His purpose in my life."

"God has transformed our family and I want to show everyone how important He is to us."

Is that cool or what?!!! What a privilege to share this milestone together!


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