Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Build your own app, p. 3

Guest blogger Chandos

Blog: Entry 3 time flies!

It seems like just yesterday I was filling my digital blog pages with iOS info and mildly humorous musings.

I'm back, obviously.

And I wasn't skipping out.  I'd like to title this week's blog "The Wall."

It was a huge lesson and painful reminder for me. I realized this week that I don't know everything. Shocker, right?  I'd worked on SHV's iOS app for two solid weeks and had great progress, then two solid weeks of despair.

So how can this help you?

My biggest problem wasn't ideas, or dreams, or style for my app.  It was know-how.  I jumped into this project headfirst, probably a little too proud.

I ran into an issue where I couldn't get the church's podcast to feed into the app.  After two weeks of furious Googling, as well as watching half of the videos on youTube, I finally figured it out.  And you know how?

The grace of God.

I say that with absolutely no jest, humor, joke, sarcasm, spite, malice, or misdirection.  I firmly believe that God helped me out on this one.  Granted, he didn't supernaturally fill my computer with the correct code, but he used tiny little snippets of things I saw to kickstart my brain and push me in the right direction.

It was an amazing reminder of how I get so reliant on what I know, think, and do, that I forget to credit my Creator.

So how can this help you with your app?

We'll get there.

Last time, I talked about design ideas, and following trends to make your app look nice. For the remainder of this post, and the next, I'd like to talk about building your app.

If you've checked out Xcode yet, you're ambitious and eager to learn, so you've probably figured out a few things.  If not, I'll show you how easy it can be, and the insanely difficult parts that you may not have a clue about.  So here goes.

When you open up Xcode (Which, for a refresher, it's Apple's program to create iOS apps.  If you do it yourself, this is the ONLY way to do it.), you're presented with the option to create a new project.  If you click "Create a new Xcode project," (easy, huh?) you get a window that looks like this:

How great is that?!  Apple set up some of the most common types of apps and made templates.  This is what excited me from the get go.  Anytime someone else creates a starting point I'm more than happy to use their help.

For SHV's app, I decided to use the Tabbed Application.  It's the most common type of app, aside from games, that I see in the App Store. If you click next, you get to name your app, add company info, and check some check boxes.  For the sake of our walk through, make sure Device Family says iPhone, and Use Storyboards and Use Automatic Reference Counting are checked, and click next.

Great!  We made our first app! In the top left corner is a button that says Run.  Click it, and watch some magic happen. You should see an iPhone on your screen!

That was easy....but before you gloat too much, let's look at one more thing.  Not that I want to scare you, yet, but if you go back into Xcode, click on the file called AppDelegate.m.

Ahhhhhh!  So many colors.  So much code.  Such a weird language!

That's the deep end, kiddos, and that's where we're going next time.

I'll also finish my story on how God used Google to help me solve my problem. :)



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