Monday, April 16, 2012

Lincoln, the Mission and my Mom

I got to spend a few days with my Mom in Lincoln, always an encouragement... When I arrived my sister took us to Sam and Louie's, a NY Pizza place (yes, in Lincoln). My sister lit up when ordering, saying "anchovies on the whole thing?" She was serious and we did.

A highlight was my mom taking me to People's City Mission where she works as an assistant to the Director. What an amazing place!

I was impacted by the crystal clear mission and purpose, largely due to "Pastor Tom" who runs things. Tom shared about being an advocate for the homeless, but also about his passion to see people from Lincoln bringing their gifts and talents, finding true meaning. He said "You don't have to fly overseas to serve people, you can come join us and experience all Jesus wants to do -- right here in Lincoln!" You can see it everywhere-- people know WHY they are serving and people know WHY they are being served!

They help the homeless go from the streets to experiencing respect, healing and restoration. They move people from the shelter into transitional housing and then into their own place, all the while teaching job and life skills.

It was cool visiting their Medical Clinic. In just 2 1/2 years they have become the largest free Medical Clinic in the United States, last year seeing over 11,000 patients. The care is completely free, provided by medical professionals who volunteer their time.

We met Chris who works in the office of the Medical Clinic and got a tour. Chris told us she used to work for the phone company and didn't plan on leaving the hectic pace there for something even busier, like it had been a shock to her system. But she said it was amazing seeing so many people being helped... Then she threw in that her dad who had retired from the mission field brought her lunch every day and that meant the world to her. It was like God affirming His love for Chris every day as she serves.

There were many other wonderful people I got to meet, all gripped by something beyond themselves. I think if Bob Buford was to write another Half-Time book, he'd want to visit the People's City Mission just to see hundreds of people finding purpose through something more than the corporate grind and pursuit of position and power.

The biggest highlight was seeing my Mom in action. She is one of the most selfless people I know, one of those rare people who thinks of others first. Seriously.

Mom has always been in the traffic of God's heart for the hurting. She is always showing the love of Jesus to people who are dealing with brokenness, pain, loneliness and the world screaming that they are worthless.

And she seems to get strategically placed to strengthen and pray for others who are called to the same. I can't even imagine the effect of her prayers, how heaven is moved when she takes on a new assignment (or an old one like praying for her friends, her son and daughter, grandkids, great-grandkids).

I am so thankful for a Mom who takes her calling and purpose seriously. She inspires me to be a better husband and father. She leaves me in the dust in her compassion for others. But she keeps coming back to make sure I'm keeping up :)