Friday, March 30, 2012

Psalm 84

I've been reading through one "Psalm a day" for a few months, about half-way through. Psalm 84 is one of my favorites and I've been pondering it for a few days. Charles Spurgeon commented if the 23rd is the most popular, the 103rd the most joyful, the 119th the most deeply experiential, then the 84th would be known as the best of the "Psalms of Peace."

When my son Levi was in a season of searching we decided to memorize Psalm 84 together. It was a great experience and we've come back to it many times. Psalm 84 voices a deep longing for God. "My soul longs and even faints for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."

I love the Treasury of David, by Charles Spurgeon, a 7-volume collection of commentaries on the Psalms. When I read it I feel as though I live a few inches deep and a mile wide, that my insights are shallow, that my experience of God's Word could be so much more, ugh! It is apparent the authors spent countless hours mining for hidden treasure (and found it). But thankfully at the same time I sense God's mercy and being drawn to greater depths.

Here is a quote from Spurgeon's comments on Psalm 84:

"To be the guests of God, enjoying the hospitalities of heaven, set apart for holy work, screened from a noisy world, and familiar with sacred things-- why this is surely the choicest heritage a person can possess."

So what difference does something like this make today?

First of all it reminds me that I need to hit the pause button and look to Jesus during the day.

Second it strikes my heart with the knowledge of God's great love.
Just a few hours after reading it I was in a restaurant and hit with a sense of how much God sees what is going on and how much He loves people.

That moved me to talk to some people I wouldn't normally engage (being a quiet introvert by nature). There wasn't anything weird about it. Actually quite amazing.

A wise person said the ONE unique quality of all great men and women of God was their "open ear to heaven" while being present on earth. What a strong but encouraging challenge. He didn't say you have to go to Bible college, seminary, or come up with a fancy resume (with a fish graphic on it). He didn't say you have to be well-versed in spiritual matters. You can start right where you are. The invitation is to all of us, no matter where we are.

To go a little further, a little deeper in following Jesus... appropriate for this Passion Week as we ponder the suffering of Jesus and look forward to celebrating His resurrection!


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