Saturday, July 16, 2011

No coincidences on the golf course

We were standing on the first tee and this young guy who worked for the course was telling us the basics, "Keep up the pace" and "Have a good time" stuff.

Someone asked if he was a real golfer, said he looked like one... He said he was trying to make the tour but had blown out his hip. Slowly but surely he was rebuilding and gonna try again, but his hip was in lots of pain and it was a long road.

We all hit a variety of shots off the tee, some of us hitting two as we sprayed them all over, then it happened. The question from one of the guys -- "Do you have any spiritual belief?"

It was in that awkward moment that Jesus was about to show up...

The guy mumbled something about being "spiritual but not very religious." I laughed and said we were the same.

Then we asked if we could just pray for him, for Jesus to touch him and to heal his hip. He said sure, that would be fine.

As we prayed for him (for about 20 seconds) I noticed the tats on his arms, the weathered look on his face as he closed his eyes, and had the overwhelming sense Jesus really loved him.

Nothing dramatic happened that we could see. The prayer ended, he was lit up (maybe because the prayer was over), said thanks and that he really appreciated it.

I don't know what happened or will happen with his hip, but I do know something happened.

Maybe God was delighted for us to hang out and play golf, and to touch an unsuspecting guy on the first tee with His love. No coincidences on the golf course...


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