Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tribute to Cal

Someone asked the boy "So what struck you most about Cal? What are you going to remember?" The boy replied "He didn't serve when it was convenient."

Wow, what a lesson and life message!

I first met Cal back in the 80's, when he had a full head of red hair (and red beard). He had been radically impacted by the love of God, to the point he couldn't get enough. He enjoyed praying for people, worshipping, serving, seeing God set people free from stuff like fear, addictions and brokenness.

People were coming from all over to the worship services, just to get set free. There were business men and women, the successful but dissatisfied, homeless, married, divorced, single, oppressed, neurotic, medicated, ritual abuse victims, you name it. Whenever Jesus is setting people free, people come out of the woodwork.

And Cal was always right in the middle of it. He would get that excited look as though his eyes were smiling, to see one more person being transformed by God's powerful presence.

Cal served in many areas, mostly alongside his wife Phyllis and sometimes on his own. In later years, he loved to see people get the right resources in the bookstore, asking what they needed, praying for them on the spot or after they left.

Jesus said "the meek will inherit the earth" and that was Cal. In a spiritual sense he possessed all things because he was totally given to serving Jesus. On the contrary, pride and "serving when convenient" means you pursue something you can never fully possess or enjoy.

Funny thing, Cal never lost that passion he had gained in the 80's.

Those who knew him are better for it, and will not forget the faithful and humble warrior who is now in heaven...


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